Editing Basics

  • Updated

We offer a variety of tools for editing your videos, and in this tutorial, we'll walk you through how to use them.


  Note: Large file sizes may take a while to process, and  
  users can edit videos while their uploads are still 
  processing. However, making edits during this phase
  can affect video quality.


Our trimming tool allows users to alter the start and end times of their videos.

  1. If you'd like to trim an uploaded video, navigate to your dashboard and click the video's Edit Video button. 

  2. Once you've made it to the edit page, drag the Start Time Slider and the End Time Slider to where you want your video to begin and end. 
  3. After you're done, click the Save Changes button. Your new video should now begin and end at the times you selected. Here's a video demonstrating the process: Trimming.


Our rotation tool allows users to rotate their videos clockwise by increments of 90°. 

  1. If you'd like to rotate an uploaded video, navigate to your dashboard and click the video's Edit Video button. 

  2. Once you've made it to the edit page, click the Rotate button until your video is at your desired orientation. 
  3. After you're done, click the Save Changes button. Check out this video for an example: Rotating.


Streamable's mute feature allows users to remove the audio from their videos.

  1. If you'd like to mute an uploaded video, navigate to your dashboard and click the video's Edit Video button. 

  2. Once you've arrived at the edit page, click the Sound On button in order to remove the audio from your video. 

  3. The Sound On button should've changed to Sound Off. This means that you've successfully disabled sound for your video. 

  4. After making your changes, click the Save Changes button.



Our crop tool allows users to resize their videos.

  1. If you'd like to crop an uploaded video, navigate to your dashboard and click the video's Edit Video button. 

  2. Once you arrive at our edit page, click the Crop button and a crop region should appear.
  3. Click and drag the corners and white lines of the the region to your desired size. 
  4. After making your changes, click the Save Changes button. Here we have video example of how this is done: Cropping.


When a video is uploaded to Streamable, the thumbnail for it is automatically set to the image of what appears at the halfway point of the video. We allow users to change this thumbnail to a different time stamp or an uploaded image. For uploaded images, we recommend that the resolution be at least as large as the video and that its aspect ratio match the video's aspect ratio.

  1. Navigate to your dashboard, and click the Edit Video button on the video whose thumbnail you'd like to change. 

  2. You should now be on our edit page. Click the Change Thumbnail button.

  3. Our thumbnail page should open. Users who want to upload an image, click the Upload Image button. Those who want to set the thumbnail to a time stamp of the video, drag the Image Slider to your desired position.

  4. Once you've made your changes, click the Save Changes button. Here we have a video that demonstrates how to use our Image Slider: Thumbnails.

Questions? Please visit our Support Center at streamableapp.zendesk.com for further assistance!

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