
  • Updated

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to add a watermark to your videos. Additionally, we'll walk you through how to make that watermark direct viewers to the website of your choice when clicked. 

  Note: Before being able to assign a link to a watermark,  
  you'll need to have successfully uploaded a watermark
  to your account.

Recommended Settings

For any image that you'd like to upload as a watermark, we suggest that you choose a PNG or GIF file with a maximum size of 1MB.

Adding a Watermark

    1. To get started, navigate to your dashboard and click My Account, which should be in the top right-hand corner of your page.

    2. In the drop-down menu that should open, click Player Appearance.
    3. You should be brought to our Player Appearance page. In the Video Watermark section, toggle the switch that's to the right of Add a watermark to the top left-hand corner of your videos

    4. In the expanded Video Watermark region that should open, click the Upload file button to upload the image that you'd like to set as a watermark for your videos.

    5. Once you've selected your file, all of your videos should now have the watermark in the top left-hand corner of the Streamable video player. 
    6. If you'd ever like to change the image that you have set as a watermark, simply upload a new photo by clicking the Replace file link that's in the Video Watermark section.

Below, you'll see an example of our video player before and after an image has been uploaded as a watermark. 



Assigning a Link to a Watermark

  1. Navigate to your dashboard, and click My Account, which should be in the top right-hand corner of your page. 
  2. In the drop-down menu that should open, click Player Appearance.
  3. You should be brought to our Player Appearance page. Scroll down to the Video Watermark area, and in the form that's to the right of the Link to your website label, type in the URL for the website you'd like your watermark to lead to when clicked. Make sure to include https:// at the beginning of the URL.

  4. Wait for the following message to appear under the form, and within 30 minutes, your watermark will lead to the website that you entered:

    " Saved. Changes will take effect within the next 30 minutes."

Questions? Please visit our Support Center at streamableapp.zendesk.com for further assistance!

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